Monday, October 13, 2008

Wii The People

Wii is a video game system that allows people to play games and imitate the actual motions of a certain activity. For example, you can bowl like you would at a bowling alley, play tennis like you would on a court, etc. Japan is now following the Wii trend. The Japanese gaming industries are creating avatars and online virtual realities that allow gamers to communicate with other gamers online through Wii and XBox gaming systems. Do you, as a consumer or gamer, think that the Wii systems are keeping people from participating in bowling at a bowling alley and playing tennis at a court, etc.? Do you think that more time will be spent playing video games then homework and other important activities or tasks? Does playing video games effect how much sleep a person gets? Does playing video games increase or decrease social skills and why? Or does it have little effect?


Earnie said...

I really think this is just the way everything is going. this is really just taking a video games system up to the next level with everything else. this is no different than IM ing or text messaging on a phone. This video game sub culture is really nothing new. there has been these game geek for decades. people who's only joy inlife is beating thier favorite games. I know this becasue i know a lot of thsese people. I dont think this is hurting thier social lives though, in fact i think it could really increase the amount of social interaction alot of these kids get or have gotten in the past. Instead of being the isolated nerds of the past they can now communicate with other people around the world who share thier interestes.

ray said...

well even though people would shift to the syberspace in the future, i still think there will be people who will interact in the real life. i just think the time spend doing that will decrease dramatically. there might even be a person who jsut spend alll day every day in the syberspace

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Nintendo Wii introduced and manufactured in Japan? Also this theory of communication between two competitors systems doesn't make sense.

Kari said...

The first time I played WII I was kind of disappointed. I mean there is so much hype about this new type of game, I was kind of expecting more. But, It is a new and very creative idea. I can say that I did actually have fun playing it. I mean it is definitely more interactive, you have to actually act out what it is your trying to do. Video games definitely need to be more active because so many people play and are becoming more and more inactive, which could lead to future problems.