Tuesday, October 21, 2008

iPhone You

Apple has created two new iPhones.
The 2007 iPhone is an internet-connected multimedia smartphone. It contains a multi-touch screen, which replaces the key pad that is usually found on other cell phones. It contains a camera phone, portable media player, text messaging and visual voice mail. It also contains Internet services such as e-mail, Web browsing and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Apple released the iPhone 3G on July 11, 2008. It is basically the same as the other iPhone, except it has faster 3G data speeds and assisted GPS.
What do you think of the touchscreen phone instead of a regular cell phone? Do you think it will be easier to use? Will it be more useful because it contains multiple features at one time and is like a computer in your pocket?


ray said...

i mean 10 years ago nobody needed the cable on our TV but now we have to have it. i think this new technology will be requred to have in the future as well. i just think that we will be busier and more clustered in the suture with all the information. it will be kind of sad and scary.

Jackie O said...

I think the future of phones is the touch screen. The only problem is going toward the older audience. Older audiences like simple to the point ideas. I do like how the IPhone connects the phone itself and the internet, so you don't have to be right by a computer to do stuff online.

Anonymous said...

My iPhone bill is over 90$, Apple's products are above the curve but very pricey. Old people can't understand cell phones, hence the success of the jitterbug with massive buttons and a 24/7 1-800 support number.

Kari said...

I am so excited for the time when I will actually be able to afford one of these phones. The more features, more capabilities, and more appeal a phone has the higher a price tag it will have. I do think it will make it easier for the technology savvy people, but for those who dont know much about technology anyway it will be increasingly difficult for them to understand them.