Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cell Phones

I think it is interesting that cell phones are used in the polls as a system of voting. There are a lot of people who have cell phones that can connect to the Internet. This is a clever way to vote, however; it may not be safe for the people voting. Not if they can track the number of the cell phone owned by the person voting. I myself, do not want to vote using my cell phone. I would much rather go to the court house or go online, on the computer to vote.


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Anonymous said...

That's a really good point. I never thought about how these companies or polling places can track back your number and use it to their advantage. Also, I think its a better idea to go and actual go to the polling place. That's just the fun of voting. If it's your first time voitng (which it is mine)you don't want to just sit around and send out a text, you actually want to be in the atmosphere of it all and experience what every one is talking about.

Jackie O said...

I am a huge fan of going to a polling place and putting your vote in, or putting in a request for a mail in ballot. If you are nervous about people tracking back a text to your phone, just think they can do that with a computer too. If you cast your vote via internet they can track the IP address and see who the operator is.

Isaiah said...

I don't think cell phones can be used to vote, I could be wrong, but I think the only votes, online, or by cell phones, that can be done are mostly questions like, "Is Obama ready to lead? text yes or no to the number." But I don't think you can vote for the president over the Internet, or by your cell phone.