Monday, November 10, 2008

Variance of Violence

There are many ways to be violent. Some violence can be determined by murder, rape, verbal abuse and assault and battery. Violence is shown throughout life and depicted on the television and video games. According to the American Psychological Association, video games can cause an increase in aggression during the game and it will continue during other activities. One study had 227 college students take a survey about violent video games. The test proved that the college students who played violent video games in high school have more aggressive behavior than those who don't play violent video games. Another study had 210 students play a particular game. One set of the 210 students played a violent game called Wolfenstein 3D and the other set of students played a non-violent game called Myst. The students who played Wolfenstein showed more aggressive behavior. I cannot relate to these games, however; I can relate to playing Halo, Doom, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Combat, Fable and other games that may have violence. These games cause an adrenaline rush and they definately cause me to be aggressive in the games, but I honestly do not know if my aggression remained after I played the games. I think that playing violent games and having aggression probably has to do more with the home life. I believe that people who play violent video games do become more aggressive because they see it in the games so they began to think that it is alright to be aggressive for real. The more violent an environment someone grows up in can also have a drastic effect on the amount of aggression a person has after playing video games. It is all in one's head. If they relax their body after playing violent video games by doing an activity such as reading, writing or maybe playing a non-violent game such as guitar hero or sports on the Wii then perhaps they will be able to control their aggressive behavior. Behavior is psychological and if one forces themselves to believe that violence in video games is unecessary to portray in real life then the aggressive behavior can subside and everything will be fine.


Jackie O said...

I think a person can play a game to reduce stress, but if they play a violent video game it will make them more angry. I think it would be hard for a person to reduce their aggression after playing a violent game with a non-violent game. The player can become bored, and want something more.

Kari said...

I agree with Jackie. I am a strong believer that violence in media has a very big influence on the violence in our society. I know its not the only thing to blame for it because there are stronger influences than media, but I know it plays a big role in it.