Monday, November 17, 2008

Cyberspace Rape

Julian Dibbell wrote an article called A Rape in Cyberspace. This article was published in the Village Voice. Basically it talks about virtual realities and what effect they can have on people. It talks about multi-user dimensions and how they work. The article refers to a virtual reality called LambdaMOO where a clown uses a doll to control women to do sexual things with him. This virtual reality is not reality, however; it could have an effect on the emotions conveyed during and after the game. Reading this article scared the crap out of me because I am terrified of clowns and the thought of a clown raping someone scares me so much that I don't even want to play whatever game it was that people were playing because I have been raped before. Even though a game is not real, the game may seem real and I think that is part of the message that the writer was trying to get across is that virtual reality can match reality and have similar traits. What are your thoughts on virtual reality games and what effects do you think it has on a person's behavior?

1 comment:

Kari said...

I believe that virtual reality has too many ties to actuality that it should not be used in that way. I think any game about rape is disturbing anyway. I mean, this is a serious issue. And, making a game of it shows how lightly the creator takes it. Im sure that the people who say that virtual reality is so far off from the real life wouldnt be thinking the same way if their sister, daughter or mother got raped, and they came across this game. It would be a different story, a different point of view would be established if they had some personal experience with rape, just like you said.