Monday, December 1, 2008

Seconds to Spare

Supposedly second life is a virtual reality game that allows a person to create an avatar and perform various tasks that would be done in real life. I, however; would not like to spend my time in virtual reality. I would much rather be out in the world that I live in and finding out what is happening and learning new things everyday. I'm sure that second life may be a good social experience, but there is not face to face contact and the person behind the other computer is invisible because their face is not seen. I would much rather have face to face contact with people because that builds trust. I don't know if virtual reality is all it is cut out to be. I enjoy facebook because my friends are on there and I can see pictures of the people I am talking to. I can also control who is on my friend list and know who I am talking to. I would much rather avoid virtual reality games if at all possible.